E-cigarettes are a recent invention which have taken the world by storm. The first e-cigarette was developed in 2003, and since then they have become increasingly popular. The number of users has grown exponentially over the past decade, with more people turning to this new type of cigarette every day. There are many reasons why people are choosing to switch from traditional cigarettes to e-cigarettes—here are just five!
Why do people use E Liquids?
There are many reasons why people choose to use E Liquids instead of traditional cigarettes. There are more options than ever, with all sorts of flavors and nicotine levels to choose from. The vapor is smoother, there's no lingering smell or residue, and the liquid refills are cheaper than traditional cigarettes!
1. Vapor
When inhaling smoke from a traditional cigarette, the smoke is hot and harsh. When using E Liquids, it's just like smoking a regular cigarette but with vapor instead of smoke! The vapor created by an electronic cigarette is smooth and much easier on the lungs. It also doesn't linger in the air or stick to the walls. This makes it easier to breathe and also lessens indoor air pollution.
2. Ease of Use
Using traditional cigarettes is a hassle, which explains why smoking is on the decline as vaping increases in popularity. When using an electronic cigarette, you have your choice of batteries so you can choose between a smaller size that's designed for stealth vaping or a larger size that's more similar in appearance to traditional cigarettes. You also have your choice of flavors by using E Liquids, which can come in an endless amount of different options!
3. Flavor Choices
When smoking traditional cigarettes, there are only four flavor choices excluding menthol; regular, light, ultralight, and menthol. E Liquids come in many flavors such as: strawberry, vanilla, coffee, bubble gum, and even bacon (yes, you read that correctly). You can also choose whether or not the flavor has nicotine in it.
4. Prices
Regular traditional cigarettes usually sell for $5 a pack. E Liquids are much less expensive. For example, a small bottle of Strawberry E Liquid will usually sell for anywhere from $3 to $5 while a 30ml bottle of Peppermint E Liquid can be purchased for under $15. Prices also vary depending on which type of device you're buying the liquid for.
5. Health Benefits
People who use traditional cigarettes can be at risk of developing certain types of cancer, while people who use E Liquids don't have to worry about carcinogens like they do with regular cigarettes. People who choose E Liquids also get the benefit of not smelling like smoke. There's no lingering smell or residue left on clothing or furniture either!
The benefits of switching to E Liquids.
There are many benefits to switching to E Liquids. The first and most popular benefit is that you can choose the nicotine level and flavor of the tobacco, which is often much more difficult with traditional cigarettes. The second and third benefits of switching to E Liquids are that the vapor is smoother and there's no lingering smell or residue left behind after vaping. Finally, refills are much cheaper than traditional cigarettes! Both tobacco products are addictive, but e-liquids have less chemicals due to the lack of smoking. The vaporization process can help smokers by providing a less irritating experience for their lungs without harming other people nearby.
It's a trend that has been slowly gaining momentum, but it seems like e-cigarettes are finally getting their time in the spotlight. The vape concentrates are smoother and there's no lingering smell or residue. Plus, liquid refills for your vape pen cost significantly less than traditional cigarettes! In this article we've shared five reasons why more people are choosing to make the switch from smoking to vaping. If you're one of them (or if you know someone who might be interested), keep reading for all the information you need before making the transition yourself.